Monday, January 23, 2012

To Teach or Not To Teach ?

Many church leaders omit teaching the science of Biblical creation. They believe the experience of God’s presence is sufficient to counter act the millions of references to Evolution our children hear in the schools, on the television and the computer.

I beg to differ.

Before the fall, Adam and Eve experience God’s presence daily. At most, churches hold three services at week. That’s three opportunities to teach our young people; they were created in the image of God and loved so much that He gave us life by the death of His own, Jesus.

The church has allowed the supporters of Darwin to creep into our schools and homes. People like Eguenie Scott and Richard Dawkins climb on their soap boxes and preach their religion against God. A religion where people are gods and make their own rules. The American school system tells our children that they can believe in God as a long as they don’t believe he created them.

While these contradictory voices pound our youth, Christians sit silent and pray our children see the truth. But where will they see it? Will they hear Mom and Dad say; I believe God is who he says he is? Or will they hear the world scream, God is a lie?

Should we stand up against attacks on the authority of God?

Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: Dueteronomy 11:18-20”

Learn from Adam and Eve’s mistake. Although they experienced the presence of God daily, they doubted his word and fell from grace.

There is nothing better than an old fashioned Holy Ghost filled service when the presence of God descends on his people. Let’s keep our children in His presence, but while there, let’s teach them to keep His commandments.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Favorite Book

Blessed silence, a cup of coffee and God’s word are they highlight of my mornings. I love to read and as a Christian my favorite book is my
 Centennial KJV Thompson® Chain-Reference® Bible.

I wanted a Bible that wouldn’t fall apart so I bought the full grain Morocco leather bound edition. To say that I’m particular about this book is an understatement. I’ve been accused of being obsessed but really, that’s not true. I want it to last the duration of my lifetime, so I take special care of this book.

I don’t write in it or highlight scripture. No, not even my name. I do not lick my finger before turning the pages. A task almost impossible. I dare you to try it at home. If I’m carrying another book with this one, my Bible always, always is on top of the stack. The pages are never bent, or whoever bent them will have to pray through. And heaven help me, if someone drops it. Hence the reason only responsible people are allowed the privilege, after they wash their hands.

While some might think my actions in the overprotective, I treasure the words written on the inside. They comfort, encourage and challenge me to become a better servant. My favorite book is God’s word in its simplicity, interpreted by the Holy Spirit, whispered to my soul without the confusing commentaries of men.

Thursday’s blog posts are my book recommendations. The Bible should be first and foremost on every reader’s to-be-read list. It’s one of those books you cherish and read over and over again.