Most Christians know the story…Judas Iscariot led the
elders, chief priests and captains of the temple to Jesus. Peter having a sword
cut off a servant’s ear. Christ then rebuked Peter and healed the injury while
he was being arrested.
Have you ever wondered where Peter got his sword? Would you
be shocked to know
the answer is Jesus?
Luke 22:36 Christ commanded the disciples to sell their
garments and buy a sword. The funny thing is…they already had two. Jesus replied,
“It is enough.”
So why did Jesus rebuke Peter for using the weapon? There are several good theories to this question, but none that are absolute. I’ve
thought about this for several months. Peter assumed he knew the answer and
acted in haste, but we will never know how God fully intended for the swords to
be used because no one asked Him?
How many times has God given me a gift and I’ve misused it? How
about you? Has He called you to write? Ask Him which words or venue he wants
you to use? Has He called you to preach? Ask Him to give you a sermon? Has He
given you the talent to play a musical instrument? Which one? Singing? Which
song does he want you to sing?
Every Christian has a work to do. If we act impulsively, we
do more harm than good. When you accept your calling, ask God for directions.
Ye have not because ye ask not. James 4:2
Ye have not because ye ask not. James 4:2
Lord, what do I do with this sword?