Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Prayer Requests

Have you seen a similar social media status?

#PrayerRequest. These people are about to drive me crazy, but the Lord won’t put more on me than I can bear. #HelpmeJesus #hatestupidpeople #whylordwhy
 I’ve seen several lately and I’d like to clear the air.


Yes, it is true that he won’t give His people more than they can bear.
But…There are consequences of sin that we bring on ourselves.
“Don’t Judge me,” You say.
I say, “There is no need to judge. You confess your sins daily through your tweets and status updates. And I’m tired of people blaming God for their own sinful actions.”
He loves you and wants to give you blessings that you can’t comprehend,
but the Bible is very clear.

He will NEVER reward sin.

“…your sins have withholden good things from you.” Jeremiah 5:25
If you want the blessings of God…?
Stop sinning. Repent. Believe God. And live for Him. ~Amen



Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Reader's Hope?


 Recently, I

read a young  adult book by a

secular author. I was awed by the poetic phrases.

Amid the beauty of words so simply written, the author painted

a picture of an innocent girl abused by her alcoholic father. A girl looking

for the love that was sadly lacking in Sunday morning meetings. As a reader

I emphasized with the protagonist as she tried to fill the emptiness inside. With.

Beer. Parties. Boys. A life which resulted  in banishment for the summer months to a

remote relative’s home.    A home that claim God could be found in carnal  pleasure.

A life where giving your  virginity to a  college  boy was  acceptable,   understood,

and even praised. A first love, though sweet and true, had no power to fight the

authority of consequence. A parallel to reality, happily-ever-after was stolen

by sin and death. In her grief, she contemplates revenge. A desire for

vengeance is justified. Hatred lingers in the foggy end.

The reader dangles on a precipice,





The author portrayed a realistic sin-cursed world. Yet she is ignorant of one thing...




This world is full

 of people claiming

to be something

they  are  not;


Yet,  everyone  wants  to  be  loved  and  accepted.  Bad

things happen to good people. Sin introduces death. Death

steals joy. But that isn’t the end of the story.There is a God

in heaven who

 can’t be found

in carnal love.

He conquered

 sin and death

 that we might

 have life and

life       more


 If  we  choose

 to live in Him,

 covered by His

precious blood.


On August 1, 2013, the first book of The Whatever Series will be relaunched. The second and third books will be released during the months of October and December. My desire is to show the reader that if we forsake carnal pleasures and do Whatever He Wants, hold on to His promises, Whatever It Takes, then He'll forgive Whatever Is Done and we'll obtain an eternal happily-ever-after.