Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WANTED: Godly Vessels

Churches needed for Ladies recovering from addictions!

Several ladies, in several different communities are searching for a “passionate” church. In their own words, they are looking for a church where they can “feel” what they felt during salvation.

These ladies are babes in Christ

They need an atmosphere of worship

They need mentors to help them grow spiritually.  

They need a church filled with the gifts and power of God 

that set them free from addiction.


If I sent one of these women to you, will they find what they need?


Will they experience God’s presence during worship? 

Will they have liberty to pray? 

Will they encounter forgiveness for their past sins? 

Will they find a place at the cross

Will you express Godly love to them?

For many of you, I know you would answer, yes. Because I’ve experienced these things in your churches. But most of these ladies live in areas that I’m not familiar with. Some need transportation to and from services.

If you are a vessel that God can use to disciple these ladies and help them with their walk in God, leave a comment with your church name and contact information. Or use the "contact form" on the right side on this blog page and I will introduce you to one of these amazing women.

If you would like to be added to the churches and evangelists that I recommend send your photo along with your contact information.