Monday, December 29, 2014


We all have those little things that interfere with our work for God. Some are unnecessary and brought on by ourselves. Others are natural things that are just in our way.

 ...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,... Hebrews 12:1

This morning I cut my fingernails for the week. Usually I do this on Mondays. As I clipped the long tip, I thought how many people would love to have the curse of fast-growing nails. You see I can’t type with long fingernails. So I cut them once a week because if I don’t I can’t do the work God has called me to do.

Pretty, long fingernails 

are my hindrance.

What are your hindrances? 
Are you willing to sacrifice 
them in order to 
work more efficiently 
for God’s kingdom?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Book Spotlight

Many Christians are quick to cast stones, but we are all tempted with one thing or another. How much easier this walk would be, if we helped bear each other's burdens. Now think about this, where would you turn for godly advice, if you were faced with a choice? Which would you choose?

Fidelity or Fantasy?

A New Book Release by Parker J. Cole.

Leah Westwood loves her husband Jacob with all her heart, even as the smoldering glances of her ex-flame Vincent Miller continue to affect her. What she once shared with Vincent threatens to rip apart the bonds she is trying to build with her husband.

Jacob's heart belongs to Leah, but his body refuses to accept that. Rachel is the one who has been his mainstay at the most difficult times in his life. How could he leave her alone?
Vincent wants Leah back and all he has to do is watch and wait as Jacob and Leah's relationship unravels.
Ultimately, Leah must make a choice . . . between fantasy and fidelity.

Twitter: @parkerjcole

Parker J. Cole is a writer and radio show host who spends most of her time reading, knitting, writing, cooking, and concocting new ideas for stories. Her first novel, Dark Cherub, won Best of Spring Reading 2013 from eMediaCampaigns. She lives in Michigan with her husband and beloved dog Sarah. 

Visit her site at

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Our Hugs Belong to Jesus

Some months ago, Dylan Farrow wrote an open letter about the abuse of her father, Woody Allen. Because of his celebrity status, the letter was published in the NY Times and received a lot of media attention.

But what about the unheard voices? Voices of little girls and boys around the globe suffering in silence?

I have talked with many sexual abuse victims. Their stories are all very achingly similar. A friend or relative that they have been taught to love and respect breaks trust and touches them inappropriately. Those awkward touches escalate over time into sexual assault. We have all heard horrifying stories.

As a mother, I asked myself; how can I protect my child? Of course, I’ve the import question. “Has anyone touched you inappropriately?”

Then one day while grocery shopping, we see a distant relative. He’s an older gentlemen and he asks her for a hug. 
I watch as she grimaced and endured an awkward embrace. Me, being a paranoid mom, watched his hands very carefully, but both touched only her shoulders.

Yet, she clearly didn’t want the hug.

When we were back in the car, I asked, “Why did you hug him, if you didn’t want to?”

Her answer astounded me. She said, “I didn’t want to be rude.”

My 10 year old daughter accepted a hug that she clearly didn’t want, because I had taught her to be nice. 

Right there in the parking lot. I assured her that her body was special. A gift from God. And she didn’t have to hug or kiss anyone.

It wasn’t rude.

But it was rude of people to claim her affections without permission.

As a mother, I’ve often struggled with ways to protect my children from sexual predators without revealing more sexual knowledge than their immature minds can process. 
But here is my answer.

Their bodies belong to God. And no one has a right to touch them without their permission. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s okay to tell them that your hugs belong to Jesus.

That’s not rude.

That’s smart.

That’s safe.

Later that night, I wondered again why she didn’t want to the man to hug her. So I asked.

Her answer, “He has bad breath.”

Saturday, September 20, 2014

No Excuses

I was a born a sinner.

But then, praise God, I was reborn.

I loved the atmosphere of church. I loved the people. The adults. The teens. The kids. Their potential for impacting the world was limitless. God had given them something that I longed for and I was proud to join their ranks.

A good rally or campmeeting would revive my soul with an atmosphere of worship and a message straight from the throne of heaven.

Over the years, I heard some pretty amazing sermons. They all had one of two messages.
  1. Repent.
  2. Go to work.

God would miraculous poor out his spirit and empower his people. He forgave us of our transgressions and called us to “go unto all the world and preach the gospel.” We would hear, get excited and promise to do something for the Lord.

Afterward when we realized that He called us to the Samaritans and the sinners our enthusiasm waned. We don’t mind helping saints, but we can’t associate with "those half-breeds" or those “uncircumcised gentiles”. 

Shame on us!

We don’t mind singing in church, teaching a Sunday school class or preaching a sermon to good people. But we turn our nose up to the prostitute that is looking for a love that only our Savior can give. What about the addict that’s a slave to their addiction? Or the homeless man lost in a bottle?

Who are we to choose who hears the gospel?

At one of the churches mentioned above, I caught a child breaking the rules, when I confronted them I was shocked at their answer.

“I’m a preacher’s kid. I can do whatever I want.”

Most church goers have a similar mentality. “My grandfather started our church.” “My mom is the song leader.” My grandmother was a great prayer warrior.”

But can we really do whatever we want? At the end of this life and we will stand before God, alone. Our grandparents will not stand with us. Our parents, our children, our spouse, the preacher? None of them will answer for us. We will be judged by our own obedience to God.

What will he say when our excuses are null and void?

I recently had a vision from God. I was standing alone, in front of God’s throne waiting for him to say “well done.” 
Instead an awkward silence fell and conviction gripped my soul. 
Then God asked, “Why didn’t you do what I told you to do?” 
I replied, “Someone told me that I couldn’t.” 
Silence reigned and God opened my eyes. 
I had no excuse. God is the ultimate authority in my life and when he says “Go unto all the world and preach the gospel.” He means it. 
At the end of this life, I will have no excuse.

All through history, when someone stood for God and began calling in sinners, the church didn’t like it. Why? Because they didn’t want their holy ranks polluted? Because seeing someone work for God convicted their own lack of obedience? Or because it made them look bad in comparison?

Opposition will come. Satan will remind us of all the souls we failed to harvest. Some good-intended person will point out our mistakes. Church leaders may believe the great commission is only for them. But when we stand before God, these excuses aren’t going to fly. God has called us and there is a dying world out there waiting for someone to bring them Jesus.
So we have two choices.      
  1. Recline on a pew while the harvest rots off the vine. Or,
  2. Save those that we can.

We need church. We need the forgiveness in the blood of Jesus. We need an atmosphere of worship where we can bask in God’s presence and be filled with His power. But then, we need to take that power into the rotting fields and save those souls that would be saved. We need to give them Jesus.

No excuses.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

My Favorite Story

Once upon a time a queen had jolly servants who worked for her and were always jolly. 

One day, the queen’s cousin was going to have a baby shower at the queen’s house. 

So the jolly servants were told to do work double time while the queen was called away. 

When she returned, the work was not done. 

She had not realized it, but she made the little work seem a lot. 

She blew her fuse, and took away the servant’s free time to play. 

They became depressed at the fact that the work overwhelmed them and the playtime was gone. 

After an hour, the queen saw their depression and returned their free time and always the servants were jolly.

The end.

We love you and we are sorry.

Written by my children years ago.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Christian Mythology

Allow me to explain the meaning of the the above social media meme. 

Salvation isn’t magic words you utter once, 
do what you want and somehow end up in heaven.

Did Jesus say, “Repeat after me, go to the temple
and all your problems will be solved”?

“I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent,
ye shall all likewise perish.” 
Luke 13:3

Repeat   or   Repent?


Talk   or   Change?

We all want to go to heaven, but to get there, we must follow Jesus who is The Way. So let’s change course and follow Jesus.

Read your bible, do what it says. God’s commandments are for our protection. This world is full of heartache and death, but His Word promises blessings to those who endure to the end.

Fall in love with Jesus. He gives joy unspeakable, provision and travels with us through this journey of life.

And yes go to church as Jesus himself went to the temple. Find strength with other believers and encourage one another to keep pressing on. 

And one day we’ll have eternal fellowship with our God and creator.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Sign from GOD

During his time of ministry, Jesus went from coast to coast performing many miracles.

Until he came unto the parts of Dalmanutha. 

The book of Mark tells us that the Pharisees there asked for a sign from heaven.

Jesus said He wouldn't give a sign and departed to the other side. No miracles were done there.

Think about this for a minute.

 Here Jesus is traveling from coast to coast, performing many signs and wonders. 
Healings, casting out devils, multiplying bread and fish to feed the masses.

And the religious crowd wants a sign?
Open your eyes people. Signs are all around you.
Why didn't Jesus say. Duh! How many signs do you want? 
Instead he got in his boat and went to the other side. 
And performed miracles there.

Let’s recap.

Jesus sailing along pouring out blessings from heaven.
            People want a sign. 
                                                No more miracles.

The Pharisees couldn't believe in what God was doing. They didn't want to have faith. They wanted to see.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I've seen people healed. 
I've seen devils cast out. 
I've seen paint multiplied at an orphanage in Guatemala 
and I've seen pecans multiplied in Alabama. 

Those are signs that God is working in the lives of people today.

Isn't ironic that the children of Israel wanted cucumbers and leaks while eating manna from heaven?
Or later generations covet manna while living in the land of milk and honey. 
The Pharisees revered the prophets while the Son of God walked among them. 
Today, we say how great it must have been if we’d lived in the time of Jesus, but the power of the Holy Ghost is available to us. Why?

Why aren't we ever satisfied?

Learn a lesson from the Pharisees.
Stop searching for something you can see, and believe in the miracles around you. 
If God has opened doors for you, stop asking for confirmation and walk the path where he leads.

How many lepers in Dalmanutha weren't healed?
How many demoniacs lived in torment? 
How many harlots weren't saved? 
All because a group of people refused to believe in Jesus?

If God is calling you to a specific work and you’re praying for a sign, here it is.
We all have a choice to make. 
Sit in Dalmanutha and wait for a sign that not’s coming? 
Or go where God has called us and see miraculous works that bring Him glory.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to measure Godly success!

How many souls did Jeremiah win? 
Was he in the will of God? 
If so, why didn’t anyone heed his message?

Sometimes we measure our success by the success of others. 
Sometimes we measure our success by the number of souls that we see won. 

God has been dealing with me lately on obeying by faith.

In other words, I have been guilty of measuring success by the results that I see. 
But what about the results that I can't see? 
What about the seeds that I planted, but someone else reaped the harvest? 
Or the souls given the opportunity for salvation?

What about you?

How do you measure your ministerial success? 
Do you mentally add up the souls that have prayed in your altar 
and feel like a failure?

Think about Jeremiah. 
With the exception of maybe Baruch, he didn’t see positive results from his weeping. 
However, we can’t count the number of lives impacted 
by the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations today.

Was Jeremiah successful? 

The third chapter of Lamentations shows that 
the prophet believed he had failed. Did he?

No. Because of his obedience to God’s calling, Jeremiah fulfilled his mission.

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,
 and preach the gospel to every creature. ~ Mark 16:15

Have you gone where God has lead you? Are you preaching the gospel?

Then congratulations! Your ministry is a success.

It doesn’t matter if you pastor a church running 5 or 5000, if you preach on the street corner, in a Sunday school class, or on the aisles of the grocery store. If you are doing what God has called you to do, then you are a success in His eyes.

Yes, we should pray. We should love. We should hunger. We should have burdens.
 But those are all things done in obedience. 

Don’t slack up if you aren’t seeing results.

Obey God’s calling and let Him tally up the harvest.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

WANTED: Godly Vessels

Churches needed for Ladies recovering from addictions!

Several ladies, in several different communities are searching for a “passionate” church. In their own words, they are looking for a church where they can “feel” what they felt during salvation.

These ladies are babes in Christ

They need an atmosphere of worship

They need mentors to help them grow spiritually.  

They need a church filled with the gifts and power of God 

that set them free from addiction.


If I sent one of these women to you, will they find what they need?


Will they experience God’s presence during worship? 

Will they have liberty to pray? 

Will they encounter forgiveness for their past sins? 

Will they find a place at the cross

Will you express Godly love to them?

For many of you, I know you would answer, yes. Because I’ve experienced these things in your churches. But most of these ladies live in areas that I’m not familiar with. Some need transportation to and from services.

If you are a vessel that God can use to disciple these ladies and help them with their walk in God, leave a comment with your church name and contact information. Or use the "contact form" on the right side on this blog page and I will introduce you to one of these amazing women.

If you would like to be added to the churches and evangelists that I recommend send your photo along with your contact information.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Hello, 2014


I’m so ready for the New Year. Here's why...

God has blessed my writing and has enabled me to help others. Empowered Publications is acquiring new publishing projects. If you are an aspiring writer, visit for more information.

Whatever Is Done is currently undergoing edits. The final book of The Whatever Series will be published early Spring 2014. I can’t wait to see the results in print.

My new office is the bomb. Renovations are underway.

Ministry opportunities are opening as well as speaking engagements. Several events are marked on my calendar.

So let’s get this party started.



The best thing about 2013 is…it's history.
Some days were like soaring through the clouds. Others were like crashing into unmovable mountains. With the Lord’s help, I not only survived, but I witnessed mighty acts of God.
Souls were lost. Souls were saved.
Lives were taken. Lives were spared.
But through it all,
 God is faithful.