Choose a School

I never thought I’d blog about a football game, but… Here in Alabama, there is no neutral ground. You have to choose sides. I chose to become an Alabama fan.
Over the years, the Alabama football team has won and they’ve
lost, but I’ve never regretted choosing to be a tide fan. I may not be their
biggest or loudest fan, but I’m faithful. It’s so disappointing to see people
follow only the winning team. They are fans for a season. I call them hypocrites.
They pretend to care about their team, but they only care about winning.
During the BCS National Championship pregame show, Lee Corso,
dressed as a leprechaun, was carried in on the shoulders of Irish cheerleaders.
After a little smack talk, he danced an Irish jig. He’d clearly chosen a side. The
wrong side. His team lost 42-14.
We live in a world where there is no neutral zone. We must
choose a side. Jesus or the world? One has CRIMSON blood with power to wash sin
as WHITE as snow. The other green grasses of pleasure and the greed of gold.
The devil may carry you on his shoulders promising the
pleasure of a win. He may promise the gold of BCS title bonuses and school
merchandise selling all over the country. He dangles dreams of CRYSTAL in front
of your eyes. But in the end, he’ll make a fool out of you and leave you in embarrassing
Choose a Destination
Football championships come and go, but Jesus has never
lost. Thank God, He never will. On His team, promises are kept, the gold is solid
and crystal flows in a sea of peace.
Who do you choose?
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